Your Bankruptcy Lawyer
CALL (570) 420-0500
Philip W. Stock
Attorney at Law
706 Monroe Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Google map

(Serving Stroudsburg, Mount Pocono, Brodheadsville
and neighboring areas.)

Do you swear or affirm to tell the truth?

What is your full your name?

Have you ever filed a bankruptcy before?

What is your reason for filing this bankruptcy?

Did you review your bankruptcy petition and schedules before you filed them with the Court?

Is all of the information contained in your bankruptcy true and correct to the best of your knowledge?

Have you listed all of your assets?

Have you listed all of your debts?

Do you own any real estate?

How did you calculate the value of your real estate?

Have you been involved in a car accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice or other injury action?

Do you believe that you may inherit money or property?

Do you understand that this is a payment plan?

Are you required to pay any domestic support obligations such as, alimony or child support?

Have you filed your most recent tax returns that are due?

Return to Chapter 13 bankruptcy

Philip W. Stock
Attorney at Law
706 Monroe Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Google map

(Serving Stroudsburg, Mount Pocono, Brodheadsville
and neighboring areas.)